Why Do I Wake Up With Numb Hands?

Do you ever wake up in the morning and notice that your hands are feeling numb and tingly or you can’t make a fist? Though it's usually not a cause for alarm, it can still cause a little worry for most people. This feeling is caused by a disruption of the body’s natural sleep cycle due to factors such as sleeping position, compression of nerves, or underlying medical conditions.

What Causes The Numbness in Your Hands/Arms?

Many people wake up with numb hands but don't understand why. The number one cause of waking up with numb hands is compressed nerves. This usually happens when a person sleeps in an uncomfortable or awkward position. Repetitive movements performed throughout your daily life, such as typing or playing an instrument, are another cause of this. You might also suffer from morning numbness if you have a pinched nerve in your neck or shoulder.

SIDE NOTE: If you find that your hands are numb throughout the day, you should see a doctor to determine whether there are any underlying medical issues.

Let's dive into each of these causes a little deeper to gain a better understanding!

Compression of nerves

As said before, the main cause for waking up with numbness is caused by compression of nerves in your arms or hands as a result of sleeping in an awkward position. Moving out of that position causes the circulation to return to the compressed area, thus causing that tingly sensation. In order to prevent this feeling, it is important to switch up your sleeping position throughout the night, so that no nerve is continuously compressed.

Pro tip: Use pillows to adjust your position while sleeping and alleviate pressure from any nerves.

Repetitive movements

Repetitive motions like typing on a keyboard or playing an instrument can cause stiffness and numbness in your hands. Because our hands are not designed to perform the same motions over and over again, doing so over and over makes them fatigued, weak, sluggish, swollen and even numb. It’s important to take breaks throughout the day and stretch regularly to help reduce the negative effects of these kinds of activities.

Pinched Nerve

Waking up with numb hands can often be a sign of a pinched nerve. In this case, a substance, usually surrounding tissue or bone, presses too hard on the nerve, preventing it from functioning properly. In most cases, this occurs in the wrists due to poor sleeping postures and excessive strain. A pinched nerve can also occur at other parts of the body, such as the neck, causing symptoms such as tingling, weakness, and pain that follow an epidemic pattern.

Managing Numb Hands with Exercises and Stretches

First and foremost, before trying any type of exercise, seek medical advice if you have been diagnosed with a medical condition or experience persistent pain or numbness.

Experiencing numb hands while sleeping can become an uncomfortable, recurrent issue. The good news is that there are many exercises and stretches that can alleviate numbness in the hands. Exercises such as fist clenches and wrist rotations can help you improve your grip strength and increase blood circulation. You can manage numb hands through small lifestyle changes that promote healthy habits, so focus on how you hold your body at night and throughout the day for long-term relief.

Other Tips

  • Keep your bedroom temperature comfortably cool to avoid trapping excess heat around your hands while you sleep.

  • Choosing the right kind of pillow for how you sleep.

    (Ex: if you find yourself sleeping on your back, try using a thinner pillow. This will help maintain proper alignment of your neck and spine and help limit nerve pressure from compressing your hands against something too hard during the night.)

  • Experiment with different sleeping positions.

When to Seek Medical Help for Hand Numbness

In the event that you experience persistent numbness in your hands after waking up, or if it is accompanied by other concerning symptoms such as severe pain or muscle weakness, you should seek medical assistance right away. A physician can accurately diagnose the underlying cause of your hand numbness and suggest appropriate treatment. An early intervention is crucial to maintaining comfort and preventing the underlying health issue from getting worse.

Waking up with numb hands is a common symptom that can have multiple causes. It can be blamed on issues related to pressure on the arms from sleeping position or from repetitive movements during daily activities. The most important thing to remember is not to panic when waking up with sleepy hands, as a few simple exercises and stretches can help manage the symptoms. Furthermore, if you are experiencing extended periods of hand numbness it may be wise to consider seeing a doctor. All in all, this issue can definitely inconvenience you but is usually treatable and in no way affects your daily life detrimentally.

If you are still struggling with noticing symptom reduction schedule an appointment with one of our hand experts today! We want to help you find a suitable solution!


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